I've almost completed 70 leaves out of 80 in all for the upcoming national stamp show. I get used to it as it's 5th time for me, however I feel fear sometimes for short of leaves, hinges and so on. I'd like to note something here.
Mount , Hinge and Self-adhesives for covers: you can only get these materials at philatelic store but no stationery store in your town. So you should always try to keep stock of these, otherwise you'll be shocked on the day before the deadline of sending the exhibition work.
Leaves: I make my collection on Pages, Apple software. This is one of the reason I forget the lack of leaves until two days before the deadline. I used to use Frank Goddon leaves before and it took me two months to import it from London just because of out of stock at the dealer. So it is very dangerous to use such leaves, I think. Even at the international stamp competition, more and more A4 size leaves tend to be used, so I think it's time to changing the leaf size to A4. What is important in ordering A4 size paper at the stationery store is to order (1) non-acid paper, (2) cream color but white one (3) thick paper (200g / meter square) I got one made in Austria in the stationery store in Ginza, Tokyo and each leaf costs me 20yen= 20cents.
Wraps: You are asked to wrap your leaves by vinyl clear pockets otherwise stamps jump out of the leaves while handling and exhibiting the collections. Stamps dealers have one but I recommend to use stationery store because it's cheaper (30yen=30cents) and easy to get at many places.
As a result, you'd better have enough stock of the materials you can only get at stamp dealers. Regarding all the other materials you should buy at usual stationery store and you should find which store has enough stock.
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