As I told you in the article "Digital Philately makes you happier!" of "stampedia Philatelic Journal" , I' m now programming stampedia Exhibition. What I worried about is recommended specifications of scanning the leaves.
Higher DPI is not always good because file size becomes bigger with higher DPI and it makes user unhappy.So this is important and I decided to show you the experimental results. What I scan for this experimental is the leaf of "Japan 1966 60Yen definitive" stamps and covers. I made this leaf a quarter century ago without PC.
Experimental; scan the same leaf in three different conditions.
1)Actual size 72DPI => 157kb
2)Actual size 200DPI => 852kb
3)Actual size 300DPI => 1,972kb
What is shown above is the image of leaf scanned in the condition 1 (72DPI) The other images scanned otherwise is no more better than this one, so 72DPI is enough unless you magnify the images. What is better about 72DPI is its small file size (20% of condition 2 (200 DPI), 8% of condition 3(300 DPI)) Various people come to see stampedia Exhibition by many ways, so the difference of file size is the difference of display speed.
But this is not the conclusion of this blog post. In traditional stamp exhibitions, you want to see the stamps closer if you find something rare or interesting! It is same in virtual exhibition.Next I show you how the image becomes when you magnify them.
Left: magnify 72 DPI and Right: magnify 200DPI. 72DPI is useless if you want to magnify them while 200DPI is ok.
Let's magnify more! Upper; magnify 200DPI and Lower; magnify 300DPI. You can find the difference if you see the trees backe of the building.
It's just the experimental and I've not decided the recommended specification.The image of magnifying 300 DPI is much better than I thought while the file size is also much bigger. I'd like to think and hear your opinion for a while.